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Liens – Getting Medical Treatment You Need

Medical Treatment

Clients often come to my office in visible pain. They have typically gone to the emergency room and are now taking pain prescriptions. Their injuries have not yet resolved and are in more pain than the day of the accident. Many of these folks are frustrated because they cannot seek the medical treatment that they need. They either don’t have health insurance to go see a doctor or they cannot afford to pay money upfront. Their financial situation is also deteriorating because they are unable to return to work. Unfortunately, the only way to return to work is for their injuries to heal, which requires medical treatment.

How Can We Help

The Patel Law Firm has developed relationships with numerous medical providers who understand the needs of our clients. They realize that medical care is expensive and not everyone can pay thousands of dollars out of pocket. They realize that obtaining fair compensation in injury claims requires hurt persons to treat regularly so that they can identify their injuries, document their injuries and then attempt to fix their problems. This is where these same medical providers will agree to treat our clients on a lien. A lien allows our clients to get the treatment that they need without having to worry about finding money to pay for their treatment upfront. Like our law firm, these same medical providers understand and agree to wait until their case resolves before their medical bills are paid.

Importance of Continued Treatment

It is very important that when you are injured that you treat for your injuries. These medical providers will document your injuries so that we can ask for fair compensation. The medical records will show your treatment progress and if you are not improving send you to a specialist for further treatment. Failing to get regular treatment can ruin your case. Insurance companies are skeptical if you treat infrequently or have large gaps in your medical treatment. At the end of the day it will affect your settlement and the fair settlement you deserve.

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Latest Case Results
$1,250,000.00 Pre-Suit Medical Malpractice Settlement
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$100,000.00 Policy Limits Settlement with UM Insurance
$200,000.00 Policy Limits Settlement with Defendant Insurance and UM Insurance
$150,000.00 Nursing Home Settlement during Arbitration
$800,000.00 Car Accident Jury Verdict
$92,000.00 Trucking Settlement after Filing Lawsuit
$75,000.00 Policy Limits Settlement with UM Insurance
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